Information about parking, security, contact information and important web links for the Federal Court House in Tacoma, Washington.
Where is the Federal Court House in Tacoma? Union Station 1717 Pacific Avenue Suite 3100 Tacoma WA 98402
What is the phone number? You can call 253-882-3800.
When is the Federal Court House in Tacoma open? Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
When is the Federal Court House in Tacoma closed? New Years Day (January 1st)* Martin Luther King Jr. Day (3rd Monday of January) President’s Day (3rd Monday of February) Memorial Day (Last Monday of May) Independence Day (July 4th)* Labor Day (1st Monday of September) Columbus Day (2nd Monday of October) Veterans Day (November 11th)* Thanksgiving (4th Thursday of November) Christmas (December 25th)* * If on a weekend, these days will typically be observed on the nearest Monday or Friday.
Where can I park at the Federal Court House in Tacoma? Parking is available at the north end of the courthouse and may be paid in cash or by a visa or debit card. The exact amount is required for cash payment. Parking is also available at the museum lot on the south end of the courthouse, but cash is the only payment accepted.
Is there anything special about security at the Federal Court House in Tacoma? Security measures have increased at all federal courthouses, including Union Station in Tacoma. You will be required to show photo ID and pass through the security checkpoint.
Where can I find the local civil rules? Click here for all local civil rules
Where can I find the local criminal rules? Criminal Rules can be found here.
Where can I find the civil model jury instructions for the 9th circuit trial courts? Jury Instructions – Civil Model
Where can I find the criminal model jury instructions for the 9th circuit trial courts? Jury Instructions – Criminal Model
Additional Resources
Pre-Approved Community Service Sites for Pierce County Superior Court
This resource provides a comprehensive list of pre-approved community service sites for individuals required to complete court-ordered service in Pierce County Superior Court. It offers valuable guidance on fulfilling community service obligations to meet legal requirements.
State v. Gresham: Child Molestation Case Determines RCW 10.58.090 to Be Unconstitutional
This article analyzes the State v. Gresham case, where the Washington Supreme Court found RCW 10.58.090 unconstitutional. It discusses the ruling’s impact on the admissibility of prior sexual misconduct evidence in child molestation cases.
Administrative Booking: Pierce County Superior Court, Washington
This article outlines the administrative booking process in Pierce County Superior Court, explaining when it is required, what defendants can expect, and how it fits into the larger legal process in Washington State.
Consumer Awareness Class: Theft Case in Pierce County
This article covers the Consumer Awareness Class required for those involved in theft cases in Pierce County. It explains the purpose of the class, how it helps defendants, and its role in resolving minor theft cases.
FAQs: Medical Marijuana in Washington State
This FAQ guide provides detailed answers to common questions about medical marijuana in Washington State, including legal requirements, eligibility, possession limits, and how the state’s medical marijuana laws differ from recreational use laws.
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We are no-nonsense, relentless, fair, and honest. We are great listeners instead of fast talkers, that is just who we are. More than 20 years ago, Ken began practicing law with a deeply-seeded belief that every person has the right to the best legal representation available. He built his law firm on that belief. Another belief that he strongly adheres to is his fundamental belief that clients deserve respect, with no assumptions or preconceived notions. If you or someone you know is accused of a crime or injured as a result of the negligence of another, please have them call us at 253-720-9304 or email us