If the court orders you to perform community service (usually in lieu of jail time) below is a list of pre-approved agencies. Even though these are preapproved you should still get your probation officers approval before performing the community service. Probation can be reached at 509-962-7646.
You must also use probations Community Service Time Sheet. This sheet is available here: https://www.co.kittitas.wa.us/uploads/misdemeanant/community-service-timesheet-v2018.pdf
Ellensburg/Kittitas County
American Red Cross | 509-925-5866 |
APOYO Food Bank | 509-925-1141 |
Brick Road Cemetery | 509-962-9768 |
Catholic Family & Child Services | 509-929-3057 |
Chamber of Commerce | 509-925-2002 |
City of Cle Elum Chamber | 509-674-5958 |
City of Kittitas | 509-968-0220 |
City of Roslyn | 509-649-3105 |
CWU Civic Engagement Center | 509-963-1643 |
Fire Department | 509-962-7299 |
FISH Food Bank | 509-925-5990 |
Ellensburg Goodwill | 509-925-4704 |
Habitat for Humanity Ellensburg | 509-962-5058 |
Hope Source | 509-933-2287 |
Housing Authority of Kittitas Co. | 509-962-0006 |
Kittitas County Fairgrounds | 509-962-7641 |
Kittitas County Museum | 509-925-3778 |
Kittitas Co. Youth Services | 509-962-2737 |
St. Vincent De Paul | 509-925-2167 |
Toys for Tots | 509-929-4005 |
United Way of Kittitas County | 509-925-2730 |
Volunteer Chore Services | 509-929-3057 |
Outside of Kittitas County
American Red Cross | www.redcross.org |
Boys and Girls Club | www.bgca.org |
County Fairground | |
Department of Fish and Wildlife | wdfw.wa.gov |
Fire Department | |
Food Banks | |
Friends of the Trail | www.friendsofthetrail.org |
Goodwill Industries | www.goodwill.org |
Habitat for Humanity | www.habitat.org |
Mountains to Sound Greenways | www.mtsgreenway.org |
Northwest Trek | www.nwtrek.org |
Public Library | |
Salvation Army | www.salvationarmyusa.org |
St. Vincent DePaul | www.svdpusa.org |
Toys for Tots | www.toysfortots.org |
United Way Agencies | www.unitedway.org |
United States Forest Service | www.fs.fed.us |
Washington Trail Associations | www.wta.org |
YMCA | www.ymca.net |