The Kitsap County District Court ePortal is a powerful tool designed to streamline the legal process for attorneys and self-represented litigants in Washington State. By allowing the electronic filing of documents and cases, as well as providing access to court files, the ePortal enhances efficiency and accessibility within the judicial system.
What is the Kitsap County District Court ePortal?
The ePortal is an online platform where users can electronically file documents for existing cases or initiate new ones. Attorneys, self-represented litigants, and the public can also search for and view court files, documents, and court actions through this portal. This digital approach is designed to make the legal process more efficient, reducing the need for physical document submission and in-person visits to the courthouse.
How to Access eFiling
To electronically file documents or cases, or to search for and view a case, users must first create an eFiling user account. It’s important to note that all documents must be submitted in PDF format, as the ePortal does not accept other file types like Microsoft Word.
User Guides and Aids:
- ePortal Search Guide
- ePortal Filing Guide
- Criminal & Infraction Document List
- Civil Document List
These resources provide step-by-step instructions to help users navigate the ePortal effectively.
Mandatory Use by Attorneys
As of November 13, 2023, it is mandatory for attorneys to file documents and new cases through the ePortal. Failure to comply may result in a $50 fee for each document not filed through the portal. Attorneys may apply for a waiver of this requirement, but self-represented litigants are not required to use the ePortal, though it is available to them as well.
Sensitive Information and Filing Requirements
When filing documents through the ePortal, it’s crucial to remove or redact sensitive personal information, such as social security numbers, driver’s license numbers, and financial account numbers. Failure to do so can lead to sanctions under General Rule (GR) 22.
The Court also mandates the use of District Court pattern forms when available. Non-compliance will result in the rejection of the filing. If a specific form is not available on the District Court website, users are encouraged to utilize pattern forms from the Washington Courts website.
For more details on the eFiling process, you can visit the Kitsap County District Court ePortal.
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About Blanford Law:
We are no-nonsense, relentless, fair, and honest. We are great listeners instead of fast talkers, that is just who we are. More than 20 years ago, Ken began practicing law with a deeply-seeded belief that every person has the right to the best legal representation available. He built his law firm on that belief. Another belief that he strongly adheres to is his fundamental belief that clients deserve respect, with no assumptions or preconceived notions. If you or someone you know is accused of a crime or injured as a result of the negligence of another, please have them call us at 253-720-9304 or email us