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RCW 9.73.030 is a critical statute in Washington State that governs the interception, recording, and divulging of private communications. The law aims to protect the privacy of individuals by requiring consent from all parties involved in a private conversation before it can be recorded or transmitted.

Key Provisions of RCW 9.73.030:

  1. General Prohibition:
    • It is unlawful for any individual, partnership, corporation, association, or the state of Washington, including its agencies and political subdivisions, to intercept or record any private communication without the consent of all participants.
  2. Private Communication Types:
    • The law covers private communications transmitted by telephone, telegraph, radio, or other electronic devices. It also includes any private conversations, regardless of the method of transmission or recording.
  3. Consent Requirements:
    • Consent must be obtained from all parties involved in the communication. The consent can be announced in any reasonably effective manner and, if the conversation is to be recorded, the announcement must also be recorded.
  4. Exceptions:
    • Emergency Situations: Communications of an emergency nature, such as reporting a fire, medical emergency, crime, or disaster.
    • Threats: Communications that convey threats of extortion, blackmail, bodily harm, or other unlawful requests.
    • Anonymity and Repetition: Communications that occur anonymously, repeatedly, or at extremely inconvenient hours.
    • Hostage Situations: Communications by a hostage holder or barricaded person as defined in RCW 70.85.100.
  5. Media Exceptions:
    • Employees of regularly published newspapers, magazines, wire services, radio stations, or television stations acting in the course of bona fide news gathering duties are deemed to have consent if it is expressly given or if the recording device is readily apparent.
  6. Custodial Interrogations:
    • This section does not apply to the recording of custodial interrogations pursuant to RCW 10.122.040.

Legal Implications:

Violating RCW 9.73.030 can lead to significant legal consequences, including criminal charges and civil liability. The law is designed to balance the need for privacy with the necessity of recording certain communications for safety, legal, and journalistic purposes.

Why Hire Blanford Law:

Navigating the complexities of privacy laws and understanding the nuances of RCW 9.73.030 can be challenging. Blanford Law provides expert legal guidance to ensure compliance with privacy regulations and to protect your rights in cases involving intercepted or recorded communications. Whether you are dealing with potential violations or need assistance with legal defenses, Blanford Law offers comprehensive support and expert representation.

You can read the text of RCW 9.73.030 here:

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About Blanford Law:

We are no-nonsense, relentless, fair, and honest. We are great listeners instead of fast talkers, that is just who we are. More than 20 years ago, Ken began practicing law with a deeply-seeded belief that every person has the right to the best legal representation available. He built his law firm on that belief. Another belief that he strongly adheres to is his fundamental belief that clients deserve respect, with no assumptions or preconceived notions.  If you or someone you know is accused of a crime or injured as a result of the negligence of another, please have them call us at 253-720-9304 or email us