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Often times and for many different reasons Defendant’s want a copy of their discovery. However, in Washington this may be a challenging situation. You have a right to review the discovery on your case.  However, you do not have a right to an unredacted copy of your discovery.  Your attorney can redact a copy of the discovery, and after approval by the prosecutor’s office then it can be given to you.  Depending on the case this can be a challenging process.

The scope of discovery in a criminal case is governed by CrR 4.7.

A prosecutor is required to disclose prior to the omnibus hearing: the names and addresses of witnesses intended to be called at trial, written or recorded statements made by the defendant, as authorized by the court portions of grand jury minutes, any reports or statements by experts, any books, papers, documents, photographs, or tangible objects the prosecutor intends to use at hearings or trial, any record of prior criminal convictions of any witnesses the prosecutor intends to call as witnesses.

A prosecutor is required to disclose any electronic surveillance to which the defendant was a party, any expert witnesses that will be called at trial, and any information which the prosecutor attorney has indicating entrapment of the defendant.

However Rule CrR 4.7 (h)(3) specifically states: 

Custody of Materials. Any materials furnished to an attorney pursuant to these rules shall remain in the exclusive

custody of the attorney and be used only for the purposes of conducting the party’s side of the case, unless otherwise agreed by the parties or ordered by the court, and shall be subject to such other terms and conditions as the parties may agree or the court may provide. Further, a defense attorney shall be permitted to provide a copy of the materials to the defendant after making appropriate redactions which are approved by the prosecuting

authority or order of the court.

The attorney may show the defendant a copy of the discovery but can only give a redacted copy of th discovery approved by the prosecutor or court order.  

The ABA Standards seem to be more supportive of restricting discovery.

Reviewing the discovery on your criminal case is important.  However, you do not have a right to an unredacted copy of the discovery.  You should contact your attorney to deal with any discovery issues.

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We are no-nonsense, relentless, fair, and honest. We are great listeners instead of fast talkers, that is just who we are. More than 20 years ago, Ken began practicing law with a deeply-seeded belief that every person has the right to the best legal representation available. He built his law firm on that belief. Another belief that he strongly adheres to is his fundamental belief that clients deserve respect, with no assumptions or preconceived notions.  If you or someone you know is accused of a crime or injured as a result of the negligence of another, please have them call us at 253-720-9304 or email us

Additional Resources

Right to a Fair Trial: Conviction Reversal
This article discusses the right to a fair trial and the circumstances under which a conviction can be reversed. It examines common reasons for reversal, including legal errors, jury misconduct, and ineffective assistance of counsel, shedding light on how these issues affect criminal defendants.

State v. Avila-Avina: A Landmark Ruling on Unlawful Detention and Evidence Admissibility
This piece covers the landmark case State v. Avila-Avina, focusing on the court’s ruling regarding unlawful detention and its impact on the admissibility of evidence. The article explains how this case has shaped legal standards for evidence gathered during unlawful stops.

The Prosecution Office Crisis and Its Adverse Effect on Criminal Defendants
This article explores the current crisis within prosecution offices, such as staffing shortages and case overloads, and how these challenges negatively affect criminal defendants. It discusses delays in the legal process, reduced plea bargaining opportunities, and the broader implications for justice.